Friday, April 27, 2012

Learn Never Ends

Why learn never end

The eagerness of learning never end. Learning have no age limit or not need any specific situation. We can learn whole time in our life. From every times of our life we can learn. For learning we have a mind which are eager to learn. If we can learn from our life it will helps us whole life. And it is the better learning which have an practical sense. So there is no doubt to leaning have ends.

Where to start learn

Scientifically it is proven that a baby can hear about the seventh month of pregnancy. As stimulation before birth has shown an increase in intelligence. For example, playing classical music, talk to your baby; use a flashlight to make shadows of letters or numbers in the abdomen. 

From practical experience a six month old baby can understand what people say and have a good knowledge of vocabulary before twelve months. When parents they talk frequently with your baby, are stimulating a more rapid and healthy. In addition, a baby is able to identify the voices of those who care for and to recognize anger, fear or love in his/her voice. As well as being able to understand several languages, to learn just by listening and bilingual talks at an early age.

We can increase the intelligence of the baby if you provide objects varied in shape, color, texture, size and sound in addition to reading books that stimulate the imagination and abstract thought. Due to his young age, the baby will learn more by repetition. So it is important to present the same material in different parts of the house, especially in places as more time passes, such as bedroom, kitchen, parlor materials. But if you use TV as a babysitter, you run the risk of decreasing the child's natural imagination, to influence it with negative messages and do lazy.
So human's learning start from mothers abdomen. After baby's born their parents and surrounding  environment are essential and effective for leaning.

Learn Step by step

Step by step we learn each and every thing.


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